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The Fantastic French Corner

I believe that the most effective way to acquire French is to have fun!

I also believe that to acquire French, you need to get exposed to the language as much as possible, even if you don’t understand all the words and structures. 


That's why I've designed these immersion opportunities for French learners (especially those who have a passion for reading).

Connect to the Fantastic Ms French Insta

Bookish content (with FR/ENG subtitles) from Monday to Thursday. 

The Fantastic French corner on Youtube

Bookish content (with FR/ENG subtitles) every other Friday. 


Join the Fantastic French Corner mailing list

A bilingual chit-chat every Saturday (my favorite books, what I am going to read next, which new like-minded book-nerd I found on Youtube or Instagram... and also thoughts about French books/TV shows/Youtube you can have a go at). You can unsubscribe at anytime!

Ancre Small Talk

Your guide to small talk in French

Just like you, I love learning languages and I like practising them even more.


But every time I am feel scared... How do I start the conversation? What can I talk about? What shouldn’t I talk about? How should I react in a natural way? I just don’t want to create an awkward silence...


My solution? I gather a set of safe questions and answers to use. Then I feel so much more confident! That’s what I want you to have with French. You can download my guide to small talk in French and follow along with the audio!


This will automatically sign you up to my bilingual chit-chat every Saturday (learn more about it THERE). You can unsubscribe at anytime!

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Escape game

Book lovers escape game 🤭

I created a book lovers escape game to review the past tenses in French


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